Goodbye Atheist Shoes

Dear friends and supporters of Atheist Shoes.
I have come to a difficult decision, but one that feels right and which I hope you will understand.
I will not be continuing with Atheist Shoes, because I have been touched by the most beautiful experience, one that has forced me to question everything I was so certain of before.
It is a deeply personal experience and I am somewhat embarrassed to talk about it at any length, but I know people will have questions. So let me try to explain.
In the past two weeks, my heart has grown to an extent I could not have imagined. I have felt a truly complete understanding, connection and purpose that I have never felt before. Some might call it revelation, but it was not a thing of the brain, but of my entire being… and it feels divine.

You may scoff as you read that word. I would have done the same not so long ago. But, whilst I won’t say that I suddenly think there is some beardy, magic man in the sky, I do feel, strongly, that there is something more… some purpose and connection between us all… and that ethereal something I can only describe as God.
With the help of Natalia, who two weeks ago came into my life like a shining light of love (Natalia you are more than a lover, you are a guide) I have experienced the purest truth and beauty. It is easy to dismiss our love as that of two jumped-up homosapiens, giddy with coroporeal titillation… but it is more than that; for in Natalia’s perfect form I see the promise of eternity, and the ripple of God’s work.
I could go on, but ultimately I think emotion needs to be experienced, not described.

However, I can share with you the conclusion to which my feelings have led me.
It is deeply hypocritical for me to continue selling ATHEIST Shoes, to people whom I fear may be on the wrong side (through no fault of their own) of a divine will. And, so, ATHEIST Shoes will shortly discontinue its operations.
Life as an atheist was hard – the cynicism, the hedonism, the loneliness Always quick to humour and slow to love. Eager to argue and rationalise, but resistant to pure feeling. It is not something to promote or revel in. And, whilst we achieved something godly in the incredible comfort of our shoes (something of which I remain proud) I cannot, in good conscience, ever make an ATHEIST Shoe again.
So we are closing Atheist Shoes. But we still have a lot of stock to shift (unfortunately I am not yet in God’s Kingdom and I still owe some money on a scooter, whilst Tobin’s baby will need to eat while his father is job-hunting). So we are announcing a 20 euro discount, on all shoes, starting now.

If you choose a pair of shoes here, when you get to the checkout page, insert this code: shakenbyangelonearth to receive 20 euros off your purchase.
Furthermore, if you would like the words KEIN lasered onto your ICH BIN ATHEIST sole (so that it reads “I am NOT an atheist”), it would be my sincere pleasure. You can let me know at
With this, I bid thee fond farewell and return, to be humbled, in the warm, firm, leggy embrace of God’s ambassador on Earth.
All the very best & thank you for your part in bringing me to this experience,