Shoes - almost as good an investment as crypto?

We've proudly accepted Bitcoin as a payment method since 2014.
And we've foolishly converted most of it to euros.
Nonetheless, we're excited to see Bitcoin kissing $50,000. And, for those of you who've managed too hold on to theirs... kudos, we're in awe of your wisdom. Clearly you didn't get this far by spending your coin willy nilly.
But if you do decide to convert some of your Bitcoin into earthly wares, you should know that a pair of handmade, leather shoes is neither willy nor nilly and might NEARLY be as solid an investment as crypto!
And did you know that DAS (very proper) BAG (for example) costs just 1.48% of a single Bitcoin, at time of writing?
All our Bitcoin transactions are handled by Bitpay (you'll see them as a payment option on our checkout page). And you can also spend Bitcoin through Apple Pay, (a transaction that is also facilitated by the good people at Bitpay)
Finally, a shout-out to the BitPay team who recently sent us this cuddly dog.