DAS COGNAC BOOT is our "Shoe of the Season"

Love at first haptics
9 times out of 10, the first shoe a customer picks up in our Berlin store is DAS COGNAC BOOT.
Maybe it's the storied leather, needing to be taken in hand for its texture to be fully comprehended. Or maybe it's the reassuring nostalgia of its rich, oily cognac, that speaks of simpler, more comforting times gone by - medicine balls, club armchairs, prewar soccer boots.
Or maybe there's something unseen and pheromonal going on, which we may never understand - does Dutch-tanned, German bullskin subconsciously smell better than other leathers?
Is DAS COGNAC subliminally flirting with us?!?
Whatever the cause, it's a reliable favourite. As is the Autumnal season we now enter.
And, like two falling leaves, frolicking in the wind as they take endless seconds to descend, DAS COGNAC BOOT and the Fall go hand-in-hand.
So, it is only fitting that our latest "SHOE OF THE SEASON" be DAS COGNAC BOOT.
With a 30 euro price reduction immediately available HERE, and nowhere else.