10 years ago, today, our first Kickstarter was funded!

One whole decade ago, give or take 3 minutes, our very first Kickstarter campaign became successfully funded!
It was THE campaign that made everything possible - without it, there would be no Atheist Shoes, and we would have spent the last ten years doing something else.
But 385 wonderful humans trusted us to deliver them a pair of shoes, and that allowed us to raise enough funds to begin our journey.
10 years, a few grey hairs, kilos, children and c. 20,000 pairs of shoes later, we're still at it and we're immensely grateful to everyone who helped us get our start.
Thank you, brave Kickstarter backers! That was a life-changing pair of shoes you pledged to buy, back in April 2012.
All our love and gratitude,
The ATHEIST Shoes Team
PS - you can see our original Kickstarter video here, shoulder-kitten, greyless beard, et al.