Obama wearing ATHEIST Shoes!

Cripes, we’d love to see this!
But, sadly, it’s quite uncommon for politicians to openly declare themselves non-believers. And in most countries, the proportion of godless elected representatives is far lower than the proportion of atheists known to live in that country. Which, with politicians generally having higher-than-average education and (arguably) intellect, would suggest there are a lot of closet heathens in positions of power.
Perhaps it’s understandable – many politicians have to appeal to devout electorates and its rare these days for leaders to actually lead, vs cow-towing to mass whims.
But wouldn’t it be great if more atheist politicians came out?
League of Extraordinary Atheists
Ok, so Obama maybe might possibly be a true believer... even if I have a bet on him eschewing god in his retirement. But a handful of politicians have outed themselves, throughout history and in recent years, and they have mostly been reasonable, upstanding people, whose careers have not been stymied by their revelations.
I think of Ivana Bacik in Ireland. Nick Clegg in the UK. Juan Mendes in Arizona. Not flawless political super heavyweights, but worthy of our respect for being unabashed when it comes to expressing their godlessness.
It got us to thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if atheist politicians were somehow organized internationally, outside the restraints of their local politics? If politicians like these got together to share experiences, help each other, encourage other atheists to be more open and to promote the tolerance of secular thought in situations of governance?
It could be like a club or alliance, and would surely be a forerunner for something neat and progressive like the Federation in Start Trek or a political Médecines Sans Frontières.
Free Shoes for Godless Politicians
Anyhow, we’re a shoe brand.
So there’s not a lot of clout we can bring to such an endeavor.
But we would hereby like to announce the offer of a free pair of ATHEIST shoes to any national politicians out there who are willing to admit they’re atheists, and also willing to send us a picture of them wearing their ATHEIST shoes in parliament (or equivalent).
We’re going to contact the ones we can think of.
And, when we do, we’re also going to gauge their interest in getting together with other atheist politicians. Maybe it’s a goer, maybe it’s a silly idea... but if we can get a couple of them to skype, then who knows.
If any of you can think of openly atheist politicians in your country, we’d be grateful if you could let us know!
In the mean time, we’ll leave you with the dreamy thought of Obama addressing the US nation to admit he no longer believes in God... live on Fox News.